Professional tree pruning and tree removal in Salem, Oregon

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Salem, OR tree services

Caring for your city's trees

Salem is the thriving capital city of Oregon that gets lots of visitors and entertains residents alike. Beautifully landscaped, the walkable downtown doesn’t stay beautiful on its own. It takes maintenance and care by service professionals just like Highland Tree Service LLC. Our tree company offers precision tree removal, tree pruning, hedge trimming, clean up, and 24/7 emergency tree services whenever you need us.

Our tree trimming keeps downtown Salem neat and tidy

If you're tired of having to constantly dodge tree branches, then it's time to consider tree trimming by our certified arborist at Highland Tree Service LLC. Tree trimming is a crucial part of any urban landscaping plan, and keeping sidewalks clear and safe is essential.

Call us today!

Highland Tree Service LLC is your top choice for all tree services no matter the scope. We service multiple areas including Eugene, Springfield, Corvallis, Albany, Cottage Grove, Roseburg, Lebanon, Florence, Newport, Coos Bay, and Salem, Oregon. Call us at 541-520-6442.

Call everyone’s favorite tree company at (541) 520-6442

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Eugene, OR 97401

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(541) 520-6442

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