Safe and efficient tree removal in Eugene, OR

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Got problem trees?

Let’s target those one at a time

Removing trees, especially large ones, can be dangerous and is not recommended for persons without proper training and safety knowledge. At Highland Tree Service LLC, we have over two decades of experience and we come from a long line of tree experts. We know how to safely take down your trees no matter the size or location. 

Large cut tree trunks on a trailer

How are trees removed?

This depends on multiple factors including location, size, surrounding landscape, condition of the tree, and much more. We always start with a thorough assessment, sizing up so to speak, to determine the best method of removal. Oftentimes, you’ll see us climbing up trees using ropes and safety harnesses to cut and lower pieces of the tree to the ground. We also use a bucket truck, aka cherry picker, to reach heights up to 60 feet. When your trees are in confined or hard to reach locations, we bring in a crane to gently lift out the pieces. No matter the removal method, we are always careful to work around your existing landscape without causing damage to other trees or shrubs.

Choose the tree experts by calling 541-520-6442

When it comes to tree care, safety should always come first. With our experts on site, your trees will be removed in the safest and most effective way possible. We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded. Call Highland Tree Service LLC today!

Call everyone’s favorite tree company at (541) 520-6442

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Eugene, OR 97401

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(541) 520-6442

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